Images of Veterans Day |
Of all the holidays on the calendar, Veterans Day is one of my favorites. Veterans Day is a day to celebrate those men and woman who have served their country in uniform and to thank them for their sacrifice. That being said, I do appreciate and enjoy its sister holiday - Memorial Day - however the services and events during Memorial Day are much more solemn and reflective; we take the time to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country. I'm glad that the two holidays are separate and distinct for they both serve a purpose.
My first experience with Veterans Day is rooted in my Elementary School experience. It's where I first learned patriotic songs and heard patriotic poems and stories. I participated in a public event during those years with my classmates. And we likely sang up a storm to honor attending Veterans. Those experience left an impression on me that I would take with me forever.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a Veterans Day ceremony at the local Elementary School. Our school honored more than 100 attending veterans, and they did so by recognizing each attending veteran by name, rank, and branch. 700 happy children sang songs of about freedom, patriotism, and sacrifice. I was struck by the energy of their participation. Between the well rehearsed songs, and the second graders reading their individual thank yous and thoughts, I was excited about authenticity of the program. And from their reactions and comments, the Veterans were taken aback by the authenticity of the program.
Origin of Veterans Day (taken from About.com)
To commemorate the ending of the "Great War" (World War I), an "unknown soldier" was buried in highest place of honor in both England and France ( (in England, Westminster Abbey; in France, the Arc de Triomphe). These ceremonies took place on November 11th, celebrating the ending of World War I hostilities at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). This day became known internationally as "Armistice Day".
In 1921, the United States of America followed France and England by laying to rest the remains of a World War I American soldier -- his name "known but to God" -- on a Virginia hillside overlooking the city of Washington DC and the Potomac River. This site became known as the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier," and today is called the "Tomb of the Unknowns." Located in Arlington National Cemetery, the tomb symbolizes dignity and reverence for the American veteran.
In America, November 11th officially became known as Armistice Day through an act of Congress in 1926. It wasn't until 12 years later, through a similar act that Armistice Day became a national holiday.
The entire World thought that World War I was the "War to end all wars." Had this been true, the holiday might still be called Armistice Day today. That dream was shattered in 1939 when World War II broke out in Europe. More than 400,000 American service members died during that horrific war.
Veterans Day
In 1947, Raymond Weeks, of Birmingham Ala., organized a "Veterans Day" parade on November 11th to honor all of America's veterans for their loyal and dedicated service. Shortly thereafter, Congressman Edward H. Rees (Kansas) introduced legislation to change the name of Armistice Day to Veterans Day in order to honor all veterans who have served the United States in all wars.
In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day, and called upon Americans everywhere to rededicate themselves to the cause of peace. He issued a Presidential Order directing the head of the Veterans Administration (now called the Department of Veterans Affairs), to form a Veterans Day National Committee to organize and oversee the national observance of Veterans Day.
Congress passed legislation in 1968 to move Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. However as it became apparent that November 11th was historically significant to many Americans, in 1978, Congress reversed itself and returned the holiday to its traditional date.
In Conclusion, I'd like to personally thank the men and woman of the armed forces for there duty to our country. We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude